I Love My Life!

I Love My Life!

“I love my life!” should be the theme of every Christian walking this planet. Unfortunately, it’s not! And there’s reasons for that. But I’m not going to go into all that right now. Instead I’m going to prophesy you. I prophesy that for you and me, “I love my life!” will be the theme for our lives from this day forward. No more moaning, whining and crying about what’s wrong here and what’s wrong there! No! A thousands times no! 

We’re going to love, laugh and learn! 
We’re going to sing, dance and be merry! 
We’re going to rejoice and continually give thanks! 

What I’m leading up to is this: our lives need to match the celebration that’s going on in Heaven about us. Yes, if you didn’t know it, there’s a celebration going on in Heaven about you! Isn’t it time you joined this ETERNAL PARTY??!!! Yes, it is! Here’s how:

1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 

If you’re going to join Heaven’s eternal party, you can’t have a pity party. You’ve got to have joy! Joy comes when you look at the right things. You can’t look at your problems and predicaments all of the time and expect joy to rise. You’ve got to look to Jesus and the promises of the Word of God. Ask yourself this question? Was Jesus down and depressed? Did Jesus ever feel sorry for Himself when negatives things around him happened? No, He came with answers and solutions to the problems and predicaments around him. I prophesy that you’re going to flourish in this season. You’re going to have answers and solutions for the problems and predicaments around you. You’re going to CELEBRATE the wisdom of God within you. 

2. Stay away from negative Nancy’s.

Negative Nancy’s are people who drain you of your energy. No matter how much positive energy you pour into them, they pour our negative energy. New Agers call it operating on a low frequency! Too many believers are operating on a low frequency! We’ve got to vibrate higher! Lol! (Don’t you love New Age terminology?) Well, at least I do! Lol!! Paul’s said bad company corrupts good character. I say negative Nancy’s corrupts positive energy. Sooo….staaay away! 

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

This step really does matter! Don’t just stay away from people. Surround yourself with people who are going places and love their lives. Surround yourself with people who have a spirit of bigness about them. 

I was just with Evangelist Todd Bentley for lunch a few weeks ago and I told two of my pastor friends and my church that I felt a spirit of bigness after leaving his presence. That’s what you want to feel when you leave someone’s presence…the spirit of bigness! That happens when you surround yourself with positive people. 

4. Stay connected to the presence of God. 

David said one of his ministry quoted statements in Christianity 3,000 years ago, "In Your presence is fullness of joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." If you want to be a believer who says, “I love my life!” all the time you need to be in the presence of God. His presence will make you happy 24/7. You can’t hang with God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and be depressed. It’s IMPOSSIBLE!! His presence automatically brings JOY!! The Bible says, "The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Notice it says JOY!!! The Holy Spirit produces the fruit of JOY everyday! It’s up to you to receive and manifest what He’s producing. That happens when you spend time with God and stay connected to His presence. 

5. Speak life. 

A big part of loving your life is dependent upon what you’re saying with your MOUTH!!! Death and life are in the power of the tongue. If you speak life over your life you will love your life. But if you speak death over your life, you will hate your life and reinforce the negative circumstances Satan is more than willing to bring into your world. 

Watch your conversations with yourself and watch your conversations with others about yourself. Internal and external conversations are setting the tone of how your life is already going. If you like what you see, keep speaking those positive words. If you don’t like what you see, CHANGE YOUR SPEECH!! Look at what the apostle Peter said, "He who would LOVE LIFE and see good days, let him REFRAIN his tongue from speaking EVIL." It’s just that simple. God bless you as you begin to make, “I love my life!” one of your mantras. 

Well, it’s time to sow today! I want you to sow a “I love my life!” financial seed. Show the devil that you’re not afraid to give and release money, KNOWING that it’s coming back to you multiplied. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen in my life over and over again. Today, I make 4 times the amount I made when I first came back from Bible school because I’m a giver. You too can make more money than ever if you learn to give and give BIG!!! Here’s how:

2. Text: 718-395-7713
3. Cash App: $winnerschurchnyc
4. Mail: Winners Church, P.O. Box 313151, Jamaica, NY 11431


Merry Christmas!


Go All Out!