Breaking Out of Smallness

Let’s be clear. You have an enemy called Satan and he wants you to be small. He wants you to be insignificant and contained. But the Father has a GREATER PLAN for you that will prevail in your life. He has a plan of GREATNESS and GLORY! Things are supposed to be MASSIVE and MONUMENTAL for you. Here’s how to bring this to pass: 

1. Break into His presence.
The presence of God is the key to bigger and better! Whenever you want to break out of something and break into something else, getting into the presence of God brings about the breakthrough you want.

This is why David is still celebrated as the greatest king of Israel. He was a man of God’s presence! He went from small and insignificant to great and magnificent because he spent time with God. Look at what he said: 

“My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You; Your right hand upholds me.” 
- Psalm 63:8 (AMPC)

Let these next three months be the time that you follow hard after Jesus and cling closely to Him. Your life will never be the same! 

2. Break out of sin. 
Sin makes you SMALL. Though you would be great, sin will reduce you to ashes. It will literally burn down your life. Maybe not in one swoop, but it will eventually happen.

Perhaps you’ve already been reduced to ashes, there is HOPE! The Bible says that He gives, “…beauty for ashes…” (Isaiah 61:3). In other words, God will turn your life around and what was ugly and useless will become beautiful and glorious. 

3. Break out of selfishness. 
What does it mean to be selfish? It means “lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.” You were not created to be selfish. It makes you little and insignificant in life.

The truth is, generosity makes you great! The Bible says, “The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself” (Proverbs 11:25).

The Father is increasing your capacity to serve others well. Your soul is getting bigger and bigger. It’s time to break out of smallness and into greatness.

Here’s 10 Easy Ways to Serve:
(List taken from Anna Collins) 

  • Help your family. (Romans 12:10) 

  • Volunteer at church. (Peter 4:10-11) 

  • Donate items to a homeless shelter. (Matthew 25:46) 

  • Send someone an encouraging note. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) 

  • Deliver a meal. (Acts 20:35) 

  • Watch someone's kids. (Hebrews 13:16)

  • Help other people shine. (Philippians 2:3)

  • Listen. (James 1:19)

  • Pay it forward. (Proverbs 11:25-25)

  • Anticipate serving. (Galatians 6:9) 


Time Is On Your Side


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