The Power, The Bond & The Friendship

It's time to celebrate the power, the bond and the friendship of the Holy Spirit in your life! As unimaginable as it may seem, God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ live inside of you through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit is your friend, He’s bonded to you forever and His power is available to you at all times. What does this mean for you? Several things:

1. You are powerful. 

According to the Bible, God made you spiritually alive in Christ Jesus. This means that when you received Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirt came into your spirit and transformed you into a powerful being. You're no longer spiritually dead, but alive with the Power of the Highest living in you. This is why Paul says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER..." (2 Timothy 1:7).

Satan doesn't want you to know the extent of your power. He fears you knowing how GREAT YOU ARE!!! You have the ability to achieve, create, discover, build and design on a whole new level. He works tirelessly to undermine you and get you to think you’re less than enough when you’re really MORE THAN enough! 

2. You are never alone. 

The Holy Spirit will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you forever. He is there to support you, lift you up and cheer you on in your walk with God. People don’t usually see the Holy Spirit as Someone who is cheering you on, but He is! He is always celebrating you and pushing you to your next.

You are not alone! You are not in this life by yourself. Jesus said, "I will not leave you orphans..." (John 14:18). And He hasn't. Jesus prayed for the Father to send the Holy Spirit and He did. Now we have a constant Helper to guide us, love us, comfort us, teach us and lead us towards a fulfilling life. 

3. Your life doesn’t have to be a drag. 

Remember we are celebrating the power, the bond and friendship of the Holy Spirit. The truth is, He embodies fun, adventure and excitement. There’s nothing boring or dull about the Holy Spirit. As you follow Him and let Him work in your life, you’ll find your life taking on fresh new meaning with thrilling outcomes. 

Just look at the Holy Spirit's grand entrance into the world. This shows you how spectacular and sensational He is. The Bible says, He came SUDDENLY on the day of Pentecost with a sound from Heaven "like a mighty rushing wind." The Bible says, " filled the whole house where they were sitting" (Acts 2:2). Then He dramatizes the moment even further with tongues of fire appearing and sitting on the one hundred and twenty people in the upper room. Lastly, He gives them a spiritual language that is praising God for His wonderful works. What an out of this world experience! 

The Holy Spirit brought a taste of Heaven to earth in one swoop! Isn't He amazing and fascinating? I love the Holy Spirit and His way of doing things. He's the Creative Force of Heaven that makes this Christian life exciting! 

This same Spirit is going to be with us this Sunday. Come with high expectations as we continue our exciting new teaching series, "Thinking Bigger & Better." 


Revisit Your Covenant
