You’re a Survivor

You’re a SURVIVOR! You’ve survived setbacks, heartache and broke out of the bondage. You’ve weathered the storm and got through the mess. The good news is…YOU’RE STILL HERE!

You’re still here because God’s grace and mercy is with you! 
You’re still here because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world!
You’re still here because you refused to give up!
You’re still here because your story’s not over! 

Don’t ever forget that you have been given grace and purpose before time began. You’re not an accident and you didn’t get here by luck. Here’s what the Word says: 

“God began by making one man, and from him He made all the different people who live everywhere in the world. He decided exactly when and where they would live.” - Acts 17:26 (ERV) 

Notice it says, “HE DECIDED exactly when and where they would live.” Your birth was God’s choice. Therefore, you can say with confidence that you were born by the will of God and you’ve survived by the grace of God. Hallelujah!

A Surpassing Victory
In the past, I denied that we were survivors in any form or fashion. The Lord has taught me better through His Word and the eye-opening revelation of His Spirit. In addition to being a survivor, you’re more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. The Amplified Classic says, “…You gain a surpassing victory…” (Rom. 8:37). So, we’re in a gold star situation. Jesse Duplantis says, “We’re winners going somewhere to win.” I like that! 

The Comeback Kid
I celebrate you today and the grace of God that’s at work in your life. You are a living illustration of what it means to survive. Your example of coming back from setbacks, disappointments and loss is REMARKABLE! Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for never dropping out of the race. You’re the real comeback kid! 


Get Your Hopes Up!


Time Is On Your Side