Celebrate The Four!

Celebrate the Four!

On January 7, I declared that this was our year of celebration and acceleration! We’re five months into the new year and it’s time to take it up a few notches. It’s time to really start celebrating!

Satan doesn’t want you to celebrate. He wants to keep you in a quagmire of complaining, murmuring and trying to figure things out. He wants to keep you confused and unhappy.

Here’s what you have to do: Fight those demons of melancholy! You’ve got to tell the devil, “HELL NO! I’m not receiving your spirit of sadness and sorrow. I resist you in the name of Jesus!” Then you have to purposefully celebrate. Here’s four things every believer should celebrate: 

#1: Celebrate life!

You are alive and living in this generation by the will of God. He has given you “…life, breath and all things” (Acts 17:25). This ought to be constantly cherished and celebrated. Life is precious and priceless. It’s a gift to us from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s love it and see good days! 

#2: Celebrate love!

God loves you immensely and intensely. His passion for you is out of this world! Yes, you! He’s so into you that the Bible says, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously” (James 4:5). He’s really that into you. Jesus told a religious leader by the name of Nicodemus, “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16). This “so” emphasizes the Father’s intense feeling and great zeal for you. Isn’t this something to be excited about and give thanks for everyday? 

#3: Celebrate the kingdom!

You are in the Kingdom of God. When you got born again, the Father instantly transferred you into His kingdom. Look at what the Word says, 

“For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” - Colossians 1:13 (NASB)

You’ve been rescued! You are FREE from the clutches of darkness!! Woo-hoo! Satan and his demons have NO authority or power over you. You’re in the kingdom of light and Jesus is the only Lord over you. This is something to rejoice about!

#4: Celebrate the kindness of God!

Your Heavenly Father is very kind. A lot of the preaching and teaching you may have heard over the years from the religious voices of our day have definitely not emphasized the kindness of God. Yet, it doesn’t make it less true. This is something to really meditate on and be excited about. To be kind means to be “friendly, generous and considerate.” Your Heavenly Father is all that and more. Here’s the good news…His kindness will NEVER depart from you. You’re stuck with it FOREVER!!!! Look at what the Lord said through the prophet Isaiah, 

“‘For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has mercy on you.” - Isaiah 54:10

Isn’t this tremendous? Wouldn’t you like to experience this scripture in a real way? If you’re like most people, you would. So, just believe it and act like He says who He says He is. It’s time to CELEBRATE! 


Taking it Further!


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