Be Inspired by God’s Word
I Really Believe!
I really believe that this is going to be our best year yet. I believe all that we’re working towards as a church is going to produce great results and cause us to thrive.
Be excited about Your Life
Isn’t it time you were EXCITED about YOUR life? Yes, your life! Not someone else’s life, but yours! God didn’t create you to only be concerned about other people’s lives.
2025 - The Year of Better!
Welcome to 2025! This is the year of BETTER! I’m looking forward to this new year and all that God will do in your life.
The Best Year of Your Life
Get ready for the best year of your life! It’s going to be weighty, wealthy and wonderful. God is going to rock your world and knock your socks off.
The Mind-Blowing Favor of Jesus
I remember this story Jerry Savelle told in his book, “The Favor of God”: A Christian businessman…
Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored and Deeply Loved!
Hey! I was thinking about you and what I should say to you. I feel like I should tell you three powerful things: 1. You are Greatly Blessed. 2. You are Highly Favored. 3. You are Deeply Loved.
Fight for Your Joy!
You are called to live in joy! Let me just say this: Joy makes the devil mad. He hates joy and happiness. He hates when people are smiling, laughing and having a good time. In this day and time…
The Superpower of Faith
Before the month comes to an end, I want to share with you what I believe the Holy Spirit wants to remind you of and encourage you to apply to your life immediately.
The Place of Extraordinary
What is the place of extraordinary? It is a mindset or perspective where you see yourself as “beyond what is usual or regular.” Similar to how Abraham saw himself after his encounter with God. In Genesis 17:5-6,it reads,
Operating at Your Best
God wants you to operate at your best. Why? Because He’s designed you to be a HIGH FUNCTIONING human being who knows…
Become a Financial Hero
As we reflect on the past year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible generosity. Your support…
You Will Prosper!
I have good news for you! You will prosper! Your financial status is about to go higher and grow wider. If you need a financial miracle…
They’ll Never Forget You
I have good news for you! You will never be forgotten. You will be in what the Bible calls “everlasting remembrance” (Ps. 112:6). This…
A Mind-Blowing Experience
“My entire career is a mind-blowing experience,” is what Jennifer Hudson said in a recent article with Essence magazine. At 43…
Living in God’s Excitement
I have good news for you! God is excited about you! He doesn’t just love you, He rejoices over you!
Better & Better
Life is wonderful! It is filled with all kinds of possibilities and promise. It was never meant to be a struggle...
Your Life Matters
I just want to let you know that your life matters. From the day you were born up until now, you have great significance and meaning to this world.
Doing What Matters Most
There’s a lot of things that matter in this life, but what’s essential is that you do what matters the most.
It’s Time for Love
Jesus made a profound statement to His disciples before He went to the Cross. He said, 34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you…