It Shouldn’t Be This Hard!
“It shouldn’t be this hard!” These are the thoughts and the words that come out of people’s mouths when they recognize that whatever they are doing should be easier.
For some people, it’s their marriage or dating life. For others, it’s how they go about making money or how they raise their kids. Whatever the case maybe, your soul knows there’s a better way. Life should be easy, peaceful and pleasant.
1. Reject the wildly popular notion that, “Life is hard.”
The notion that “Life is hard” is a lie. Life is what YOU make it. Even if you were dealt some lemons in life, you don’t have to settle for a bitter life of stress and struggle. Take those lemons and make lemonade. The truth is, God’s grace is with you to help you to turn negatives into positives.
2. Get your mouth saying the right thing.
There’s a lot of wrong going on in people’s lives because they keep speaking wrong. Day in and day out, they’re either complaining, arguing or speaking negatively. They are creating their world with their words. Don’t let that be your story. Instead, speak life. Make personal affirmations that reflect the life of ease you want and deserve. I got one for you that will bless your life: “All is well, right here, right now.” Even if all is not currently well, you keep saying it until it is.
3. Shift your behavior.
Ask yourself, “What can I do to shift my behavior and create more ease in my life?” It’s time to disengage from patterns of living that reinforce the notion you’re supposed to have a life of struggle, pain and misery. I don’t care what you were raised to believe, I don’t care what’s going on around you…it’s time to make a SHIFT! Your life can be better.
One pattern that causes struggle is doing too much. Learn to stop overexerting yourself. Do what you can and NO MORE! You’re not the Savior of the world or the God of all creation. Hello! You are ONE person. Focus on God’s dream for your life, what brings you satisfaction and live in the “unforced rhythms of grace” (Matthew 11:29, MSG). The result? A deeply satisfying life.