Creating A World Of Positivity

Creating A World Of Positivity

I’m on a mission to create a world of positivity. I refuse to let the negatives of this world drown out the positives of my world. Today’s email is to encourage you to do the same.

Truth be told, there is always going to be bad news around you until Jesus comes. But you don’t have to be subject to that bad news. The Bible says that God made you to “sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” It also says that God has “blessed us with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ.” These particular truths give you a great advantage over the bad news of this world and the spirit of negativity that seeks to consume humanity.

In the mind of God, you are already above the fray. He made it that way. So, you just have to see life from His point of view and create your world of positivity. Here’s how:

1. Keep yourself in a good headspace.
How you’re thinking and processing things mentally will determine if you’re going to have a positive world or a negative world. Your mind matters. This is why the apostle Paul made this emphatic statement,

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” - Philippians 4:8, NASB

Joyce Meyer said it this way, “You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” In this season, you’re going to do away with negative thinking and put up a “positive thoughts only” sign across your mind and heart.

2. Speak words of positivity.
Believe it or not, you are creating your world with your words. If you are speaking positive words, you are building a positive environment. If you are speaking negatively, you are establishing a negative environment. It’s just that simple.

Here’s a fantastic affirmation you can make every morning: “Today is going to be a really, really good day.” This affirmation will help you to start your day right and create a world of positivity.

3. Resist the spirit of negativity.
The spirit of negativity is not just a mindset, it’s a real evil spirit that wants to bully you into a downcast life. You must resist that spirit in the name of Jesus. The word resist means, “to withstand the force of something.” You must stand against pessimistic thoughts that creates this inner critic in your soul. You must reject religious teachings that make you feel bad and settle for a substandard and crummy life.

Jesus told some religious leaders called the Sadducee, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). They made theologically conclusions that didn’t agree with Scripture. I urge you not to listen to or accept teachings that don’t line up with what the Bible really says or with what God can really do. The result? You’ll have a powerful and positive life.


Your Soul Already Knows!


It Shouldn’t Be This Hard!