Believe The Best About Yourself!
Isn’t it time you made a firm heart decision to think, speak and act like who you really are in Christ Jesus? What would happen if you fully accepted that you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved? Without a doubt, your life would be vastly different and dynamically stimulating.
This is our month of focusing on our identity in Christ. Challenge yourself to believe the best about yourself. Whether or not your behavior or circumstances perfectly reflect the best, choose to believe the best! Eventually, what you believe will manifest in your life.
Dive In
Dive into your identity and start saying on a daily basis,
"I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved."
Winners, it's not enough to think it, read it or have someone else say it to you. You must say it to yourself out loud. You'll be practicing and personalizing God's blessing, love and favor that's already yours.
As you do this, one thing is for sure, you're thinking, feeling and acting will be transformed. You will step into a new dimension of God's blessing, love and favor in your life. And it starts...TODAY!