The Cross Supersedes the Superficial
On June 16, 2022, as I was coming out of my sleep, I was approached by a man and handed a small piece of paper. His person was veiled. I could only see his forearm and hand. Before I read it, the person said, “I want you to preach this on…” and the voice stopped…but intuitively I knew he was talking about the Sunday of my family reunion’s family and friends day that was taking place in August. I looked at the little piece of paper and it had written on it #the Cross supersedes the superficial.
I immediately woke up and thought about this prophetic experience. I kept rolling the words over and over in my head “the Cross supersedes the superficial.” I had never heard a statement like that before.
What does superficial mean? One of its definitions is - “lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting only the surface.” What Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary was not surface, it was deep and thorough….genuine and authentic. The Cross settled the sin issue. John the Baptist said it best when he said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Jesus’ death penetrated the depravity of man and fixed the root of our corruption. The prophet Isaiah foresaw His sacrifice and said, “…And He BORE THE SIN of many, and made intercession for the transgressors” (Isa. 53:12).
Jesus carried the full weight of our sin. He became our Substitute and the power/penalty of sin was broken off of humanity. The sin nature has been abolished and removed. Humanity’s slavery to sin is officially over! This is the gospel. This is the real good news of Jesus Christ. #The Cross supersedes the superficial.
What does that mean for you today?
Now you can declare yourself SIN-FREE and live in the glory of God’s presence.
Now you can say goodbye to SORROW and live in total satisfaction.
Now you can SOAR and live in the fullness of the seated life.
You have a lot to celebrate this Good Friday! One of the practical ways you can celebrate is by giving a financial seed that says THANK YOU to the Father for sending Jesus and superseding the superficial. A seed that says THANK YOU to the Father for giving you the FORGIVENESS of sins and FREEDOM through the Cross. This is a special season that demands a special seed. So, I’m asking you to sow in a way that really honors what the Lord has done in your life. God bless you and increase you more and more. Here’s how to sow:
1. Online
2. Text: 718-395-7713
3. Cash App: $winnerschurchnyc
4. Mail: Winners Church, P.O. Box 313151, Jamaica, NY 11431