You Will Prosper!

I have good news for you! You will prosper! Your financial status is about to go higher and grow wider. If you need a financial miracle, God is going to give you one. If you need wisdom for greater increase, you’re going to receive it. He just gave one of our members a huge financial miracle that kept her from being evicted from her apt. Isn’t that amazing? Your Heavenly Father is always going to do you good as He promised in His Word. 

So, here’s what’s going to happen:

1. God is going to SUPPLY all of your needs. 

This is His promise to you. Your basic needs will always be supplied. David said, “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). You and your children will never beg for food. You will always eat and live good. 

2. God is going to SPEAK to someone to sow into your life. 

God has spoken to people to sow into my life on numerous occasions and He will do the same for you. God is not partial with His children. What He will do for one, He will do for another. Our job is to trust Him and feed on His faithfulness.

The Bible says, “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand…” (Deut. 28:8). The commanded blessing is the blessing the Father speaks from Heaven in various ways. He will command people to bless you. He will command your employer to give you an unexpected raise. He will suddenly increase your customer base if you have a business. I remember one day, last year, I was out shopping and someone randomly sent me $500 via cash app. That’s the commanded blessing! I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. The person said they felt God told them to do it for a while and they finally obeyed. When God speaks, nothing can stop His financial flow to you. 

3. God is going to SURPRISE you with financial blessings.

Your Heavenly Father passionately loves you and desires to surprise you financially. You’ll find money on the ground or in unsuspected places. Your bills will be supernaturally reduced, paid for by someone or eliminated for you. Someone will just bless you seemingly out of the blue. But it won’t be out of the blue. It will be the Father giving you a financial surprise! Isn’t this what Jesus did for Peter? After lending Jesus his boat for preaching, Jesus gave Him a blessing and told him to launch out into the deep for a catch of fish. Here’s what the Bible says happened to Peter and his partners, “For he and all who were with him were ASTONISHED at the catch of fish which they had taken” (Luke 5:9). 

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He’s going to do things for you financially that are going to astonish you. I encourage you to dream about it, talk about it and watch it happen. 

4. God is going to SUMMON you to sow into Winners Church.

Why would God tell you to sow into Winners Church? Simple. We’re good ground! His hand is upon us and His glory is with us. He has approved, accepted and appointed us as a local assembly. Ask Him what does He want you to give to Winners Church. You’ll find Him giving you an amount. Don’t choke if He speaks a large amount to you. That’s His way of setting you up for financial increase. He promised to “…supply and multiply the seed you have sown…” (2 Corinthians 9:10).

I remember being directed by God to sow $2,000 into someone’s life and I choked for a second, but quickly repented and obeyed His leading. The result? I quickly received a money harvest from that seed. God literally supplied and multiplied the seed I sowed. <<First Name>>, God is setting you up for greater. Sow big and you’re going to receive a big harvest of money.

Here’s the ways you can give:

1. Online Apple Pay and Google Pay accepted
2. Text: 718-395-7713 
3. Mail: Winners Church, P.O. Box 313151, Jamaica, NY 11431


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