Be Inspired by God’s Word
Winning Over the Disturbances
Let’s face it. Disturbances in life come and go. They can be caused by different reasons. Nevertheless, because of who you are in Christ you have power over them. Let me show you how.
He’s Starting With You
There was a time when the children of Israel were being severely oppressed. They would plant their crops, working hard to prepare for a harvest. However, when that harvest came, foreign nations would come in and take everything they planted. The Bible says, “they were greatly impoverished.” Eventually…
God Is Pushing You Forward
On Tuesday morning of this week, I was in prayer and worship. During that prayer and worship time, I began to thank and praise God for “pushing me forward.” Those words caught my attention and out my heart…
A.I.M. For Clarity
Clarity is one of the greatest secrets to great and lasting success. You’ve got to know what you want, why you want it and what you’re going to do about it. This kind of clarity makes you passionate and unstoppable…
Speeding Things Up!
I have good news for you! The grace of God is speeding things up in your life. Your prayers are being answered faster, your dreams are coming to pass quicker and life is just getting better and better for you…
Your Soul Already Knows!
Let’s be honest. Deep down inside of your soul, you know that you’re amazing! You know that you’re important, exceptional and full of possibilities. Isn’t it time that you let your soul burst forth with the truths that it already knows about itself…
Creating A World Of Positivity
I’m on a mission to create a world of positivity. I refuse to let the negatives of this world drown out the positives of my world. Today’s email is to encourage you to do the same. Truth be told, there is always going to be…
It Shouldn’t Be This Hard!
“It shouldn’t be this hard!” These are the thoughts and the words that come out of people’s mouths when they recognize that whatever they are doing should be easier. For some people, it’s their marriage or dating life. For others…
Unstoppable Grace
I have good news for you! The grace of God is at work in your life and it cannot be stopped. It’s fast moving, bound and determined to push you forward. It will lift you out of every dire circumstance and bring you into a wealthy…
My Confession Of Weakness
I have a confession to make. I can be easily distracted. It’s one of my weaknesses. For example, I like to look at social media when I should be doing more pertinent things. Then I’ll say to myself, “Oh, I’ll get to it later.” So, the distraction turns into…
The Wonders Of His Grace
Welcome to June! This is going to be a BIG, BEAUTIFUL and EXCEPTIONAL month for you. This month you’re going to experience the wonder of God’s grace. His grace is already with you and in full swing in your life. Here are three ways it’s working for you…
Qualified, Ready & Worthy
Let’s be honest. There’s a lot of preaching and teaching out there that is a constant barrage of how unqualified you are, how unready you are and even how unworthy you are for most things. Well, I have good news for you…
Put Your Words to Work
On May 14, between the hours of 2-4am, I heard the “still small voice” of the Holy Spirit. He said, “Put your words to work.” When I heard these words, I was too tired to get up and get my phone to write it down. I had placed my phone on our computer table outside of our room. So…
My Dream About The Blood
I had a dream sometime ago where my wife Fabienne and I were in our old apartment. As we were together, there was a man who was a sorcerer. He was there trying to put a curse on us, but it didn’t work. I began to tell him that he can’t harm us. Then I started to ridicule and mock him…
Life’s A Beach
Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m far from being a Hip Hop head. I didn’t grow up listening to rap or Hip-Hop music. My mother introduced me to R&B music early on. So, that was my thing along with some Pop music. However, some time ago…
Escaping The Unwanted Life
I’ve been there. Living a life I really didn’t want. Doing things that didn’t bring me the greatest level of satisfaction. Not doing enough of the things I really wanted to do. Sometimes, I find myself back there. But I refuse to stay there.
Creating The Future You Want
Isn’t it time you created the future you want? Don’t you want to experience the blessings of God in unprecedented ways? The good news is…you can! Here’s some simple ways how: 1. By declaring it…
Happy Good Friday!
Happy Good Friday! You made it to April and the blessings of God have not ceased pouring into your life. In fact, God is giving more favor, exposing you to more of His goodness and He’s taking you to new places. I’m excited because we serve a God who loves us and wants to give us His best. However…
Faith Works Wonders
I was in worship early yesterday morning and I thought to myself “What am I going to write about for this Friday?” Suddenly, these words flashed in my spirit, “Faith works wonders.” I jumped up from my bed, grabbed my iPhone and began to write down in my notes what the Holy Spirit was spotlighting about faith. Do you realize…
How To Have A Good Month
Today is April 1st. It’s the first day of a new month and I’m expecting this month to go good for you. Here’s some steps you can take to ensure that you have a good month and feel fully satisfied. 1. Tell yourself that April is going to be a good month…