Be Inspired by God’s Word
The Speed of His Will
Now that we are in a year of momentum, the next step is for us to move at the speed of His will. Within the will of God, there’s an
You Got This!
We’re 20 days into the new year and I have good news for you: You got this! The truth is, you have everything you need to make 2023 an amazing, exciting and monumental year for you.
Is This Your Year?
I was sitting in the parking lot of a mall waiting for someone to come out from a store. Suddenly, I thought of a person and I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to call them and say, “Is this your year?” I called the person and they greeted me, “Hi pastor!” I said, “Is this your year?”
Divine Momentum
Imagine ending 2023 having achieved all of your goals for this year. Envision your dreams becoming reality in a fraction of the time it takes others. Is that really possible? Yes, it is, but you need momentum…divine momentum…
I Favor You
After a few days of asking the Lord, “What are You saying to Your people this Friday?” I heard back: “I favor You. I have always favored you and I will always favor You.” These are the words of the Father to you. His favor towards you is real, radical and practical. Let’s look at some things that the favor of God produces:
A Giant in Christ
If no one ever told you, I'm telling you now…YOU ARE A GIANT IN CHRIST! You are a behemoth of potential and greatness. Seriously, there’s nobody like you. Your greatness is real and undeniable. Why do you think David wrote in Psalm 8:5…
Soaring with the Eagles - Pt. 2
Did you know that flying high in life is your birthright as a human being and as a child of God? In other words, you were BORN TO SOAR! If you’ve been soaring, keep flying high. If you haven’t, it’s time to ascend…
Soaring with the Eagles - Pt. 1
I woke up with this word from the Lord. He wants you to soar with the eagles. He wants you to FLY HIGH! There is no middle ground with God. Your either flying or you’re not. Why does…
Handpicked and Not Rejected
The world we live in has normalized rejection and cancellation. Two actions that can have traumatic long term effects on any person. However, through and by the Cross…
Crowned With Confidence
In this season, God is crowning you with confidence. All the messages you’ve heard this Fall at Winners Church on Sunday morning and all the emails Pastor Patrick and I have sent out are all pointing to one thing - CONFIDENCE! Jesus - Your Confidence Coach…
You Are The Key
The greatest power walking the face of the earth is…you! That’s right, on this planet you are the one that carries the power of God. You are a walking representation of the Father, filled with His love and Spirit. Without you, the world would be lost. The only way they would know and experience Jesus is through you. Jesus said
Jesus - The End of Your Struggles
Believe it or not, life was never meant to be a struggle. Human struggling came as a result of the fall of man. The good news is, Jesus came and redeemed you from struggle. You don’t have to live a life of striving, strain and pain. Did you notice that everyone who ever encountered Jesus always came to the end of their struggles?
You’re a Manifested Promise
If you were at church last Sunday, you found out that you are a MANIFESTED PROMISE! This is an amazing word for anyone who believes it and understands the dynamic power this truth holds. In the Old Testament, God made a promise though His prophet Hosea that a new day…
Free, Powerful & Untouchable
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…” Colossians 1:13 You have been delivered from the power of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Christ. You were formerly incarcerated, held captive and bound by the chains of darkness.
You Are Ready For More Pt. 2
I love the title of Lisa Osteen Comes (Joel’s Osteen’s sister) book, “You Are Made for More!” I believe it’s one of the reasons why you’re ready for more. You were not designed by God to live in constant preparation for the future. No, you were created by your Father to simply BE and live a “cut above the rest” kind of life…RIGHT NOW!
You Are Ready For More Pt. 1
Aren’t you tired of always being told to get ready for this and get prepared for that? How about you approach life with this Biblical notion: You are already prepared and ready for MORE!!!
The Genesis of You
Believe it or not, you didn’t begin in your mother’s womb. You’re beginning is in Heaven. You came from above and you are an expression of God in the Earth….
I am a Child of God
Today, more than ever, you must know you are a child of God. It’s a mind-blowing revelation! To be someone’s child means that you are their seed and that they gave birth to you. Biologically, we know that the seed or sperm comes from the father and the egg comes from the mother. The mother…
Royalty Recognizes Royalty
One of the truths I love to worship the Father about is that He’s the “Majesty in the Heavens.” I love that title and description of Him. I, also, love to worship Jesus as the “King of kings and Lord of lords.” That title and description of Him thrills my soul. In other words, I love to worship God as royalty…
You Won’t Break My Soul
Music icon Beyoncé has another hit out called “Break My Soul.” It’s all the rave among her fans and the people who love her music. The hook to the song is, “You won’t break my soul.” People love singing and dancing to this amazing beat that goes along with the hook…